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Professional Credentials:  Mary Rae Fouts
Bringing 37 Years Of Professional Experience To Clients
Insurance License:  Life And Disability Analyst

Mary Rae Fouts has earned the prestige of being one of the select few Life and Disability Analysts licensed by the California Department of Insurance.  A licensed Life and Disability Analyst is allowed to interpret the rights of any party to an annuity, disability insurance, or life insurance contract; provide advice on matters concerning such contracts; and charge a fee for these services.

US Department of the Treasury:  Enrolled Agent License

An Enrolled Agent ("EA") is a federally authorized tax practitioner licensed by the United States Department of the Treasury.  As an Enrolled Agent, Mary is authorized to prepare tax returns, provide tax advice, and represent taxpayers before all administrative levels of the Internal Revenue Service, state, and local taxing authorities in all 50 states and all United States territories.  

Insurance License:  Accident and Health or Sickness

A California Accident and Health or Sickness License provides authority to transact sickness, bodily injury, accidental death, and disability income insurance products as an appointed agent of an insurance company.

Insurance License:  Life

A California Life License provides authority to transact life insurance, annuity contract, and funeral and burial insurance products as an appointed agent of an insurance company.
Insurance License:  Property

A California Property License provides authority to transact insurance coverage for loss or damage to property.  The licensed individual may act in the capacity of an Agent or Broker.

A Broker acts on behalf of and is compensated by an individual other than an insurance company, such as an insurance policy owner.  An Agent is an appointed agent of an insurance company, acting on behalf of and receiving compensation from the insurance company. 
Insurance License:  Casualty

A California Casualty License provides authority to transact insurance cover for liability matters, including death, injury, disability, and damage to property.  The licensed individual may act in the capacity of an Agent or Broker.

A Broker acts on behalf of and is compensated by an individual other than an insurance company, such as an insurance policy owner.  An Agent is an appointed agent of an insurance company, acting on behalf of and receiving compensation from the insurance company.